Early Release Tomorrow (2/18)
about 21 hours ago, SPS
Early Release
Autism Awareness Tshirt
5 days ago, SPS
Autism Tshirt form
Spiro Middle School Employment Opportunity!
5 days ago, SPS
Job Opening
This Saturday is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! We are thankful for our SRO, Eric Fairless. Eric keeps our students and staff safe each day of the school year. Thank you for your service and support!
5 days ago, SPS
It's Homecoming and Senior Night! Join us Monday, Feb 17th @ 5:15pm followed by tip off of the boys game at 6:00pm. Let's pack the stands, cheer loud, and celebrate our seniors!
5 days ago, SPS
BB Homecoming and Senior Night
Thank you all so much!!
6 days ago, SPS
Cupcake War
Spiro Upper Elementary Employment Opportunity!
7 days ago, SPS
Employment Opportunities
Don't miss out on our 2025 Valentine's Day yearbook sale! Save $5.00 today-February 14. Get your orders placed today and cherish your memories forever. To order use the following link: https://yearbookforever.com/ Coupon Code - YBKLOVE
8 days ago, SPS
This week is National Counseling week.  We appreciate our school counselors (Gina Huff, April Carter, Megan Loggains, and Trudy McKinney) and everything they do for our school and our students! 
12 days ago, SPS
Basketball Playoff Shirts order forms are attached. Please turn in orders to Lisa Gist or Amanda Perdue by February 12.
12 days ago, SPS
Basketball Playoff Shirts
11th Annual Spiro BPA Cupcake Wars
15 days ago, SPS
Cupcake Wars 2025
Delivered to Middle School, Upper Elementary, and High School only. Thank you so much!
19 days ago, SPS
Candy Grams
Lefty's barbers Corley Bigler and Landon Bailey talked to interested Juniors and Seniors about their field of work and running a small business. We appreciate them taking time out of their day to discuss potential job opportunities with our students.
20 days ago, SPS
Left's Barbers
Left's Barbers
Left's Barbers
Congratulations Keihara Marshall 4 time All-State Choir Qualifier!
20 days ago, SPS
Keihara Marshall
Attention Juniors and Seniors. There will be speakers here tomorrow discussing being a barber and tips for owning a small business. Come hear what they have to say and ask questions.
21 days ago, SPS
business presentation
The basketball games tonight(1/27) with Arkoma have been canceled.
22 days ago, SPS
Job opportunity! See the attachment for more details.
25 days ago, SPS
job posting
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday LCT games will be live streamed on Spiro Public Schools Facebook page.
26 days ago, SPS
The 11th Annual Cupcake War is Feb 7th! If anyone would like to register a team, please fill out the attached form and turn it into Coach Covey at the HS. Let's give Childhood Cancer the Boot!! Please let me know if you have any questions. Email: ccovey@spiro.k12.ok.us
28 days ago, SPS
Cupcake War shirt
Transition Night @ CASC, Jan 23 from 5pm-7pm.
about 1 month ago, SPS
Transition night